Sunday, May 31, 2015

Colorado History Affinity Presentations

We were so impressed by the students' hard work on their affinity reports, projects, and presentations.  They have so much to be proud of!


Julian is Famous

The class has decided that Julian looks just like the actor in the new movie, Tomorrowland.  What do you think?  :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Constitutional Convention


This final social studies unit is titled The Making of a State, and third graders learned how Colorado became a territory and then a state.  As part of the process to become a state, there were many Constitutional Conventions.  This is where bills were voted on and passed, and laws became part of the Colorado Constitution.  

With a partner, each student wrote a bill for Graland (18 students = 9 bills).  The nine bills were voted on by the class and narrowed down to two.  For our class, the two bills that moved on were:
  • Students get to pick their own sport to focus on in PE
  • There will be a school pet

The other three classes did the same and their bills that moved on were:
  • Lockers can be decorated and snacks can be brought in for birthdays
  • 3rd and 4th graders can have overnight trips
  • Gates Invention will include 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders
  • There will be a vending machine for Lower School
  • More lunch choices
  • Longer lunch

The final step of this process took place last Friday.  All eight bills were presented to the third grade and voting booths were set up for private voting.  After all the votes were in, the bill that passed was presented to the grade, with Mr. Juan Botello, Graland's Director of Finance & Operations, present. 

The bill that passed was...3rd and 4th graders can have overnight trips.  Mr. Botello spoke to the two writers of the bill and asked questions. He wanted to hear why their bill should be signed by the Governor, or in our case, Ms. McCaffrey.  He made sure the students understood that not all bills presented to the governor get signed.  :)

Friday, May 22, 2015

Doc Grizzly Day

The weather cooperated and we had a fun time with Doc Grizzly, a Colorado mountain man!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

Our Class

Charlotte C and Addie made a keynote presentation about our class.  I have to agree with them that this is a very special group.  

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

History Colorado Center

On Tuesday, third grade went to the History Colorado Center for our 9th and final field trip.  This is a great museum for Colorado history buffs, like our students. This was a great way to wrap-up all we have learned this school year.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Class Relay Race

Our class loves to be competitive, and running relay races is one of their favorite Morning Meeting activities.

Last Buddy Activity

Third and seventh grade met for one final time last Friday.  They did chalk art together and said their goodbyes for the summer.  The buddies made some great connections this year!


Monday, May 18, 2015

Reminders For The Week

TUESDAY, MAY 19: Field Trip
Third grade is going to the History Colorado Center for our final field trip of the year.  This is a great museum for Colorado history buffs, like our students. J This will be a great way to wrap-up all we have learned this school year.  We leave campus at 9:00 and will return by 12:45. 

We have noticed that Thursday's weather forecast includes a 60% chance of rain.  If this doesn't change, we will have to reschedule again.  As of now, we are hopeful!

On Wednesday May 20, students do not need to bring anything, as this is the introduction with Doc Grizzly. 

On Thursday, May 21, students should bring:
·       12 Trading Items: Encourage your child to come up with a "tall tale" about his/her trading items.
·       Towel (labeled) to sit on
·       Water bottle (labeled)
·       Sunscreen (teachers cannot apply)
·       Come in Costume - pioneer, Native American, mountain man, miner, etc.

Food is allowed to trade, but only if the packaging label is still attached.  We are a nut aware school, and homemade items are not allowed, as originally noted on the Doc Grizzly letter.  If your child wants to trade food (muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.), then the food must come to school in the original packaging.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep all students safe.

FRIDAY, MAY 22: Projects Due
Students, You are in the middle of creating the "Demonstration of My Learning" portion of this big, year-end Colorado History Affinity Project! As you wrap up this project, please be sure to consider the following:

Keynote:  Make sure this is NOT an exact duplicate of your photo essay. Choose new fun facts to share, give extra details on a specific picture, share music, etc. Write captions for each picture. Create at least 8 slides. Bring your Keynote presentation on a flash drive to present.

Model / Diorama / Mobile / Scrapbook/ Game, etc.:  Label everything! Use materials from home if possible.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Rubik's Cube

Ty Cler introduced our class to the Rubik's Cube, and nearly everyone was intrigued and learned how to solve the puzzle.  Our class watched this amazing video today, and they wanted me to post it on the blog so that they could watch it again, or show their parents and siblings.  Click here for the video. 

Rubik's cubes may be brought from home and played with during Quiet Time and recess!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Newbery Hall of Fame: Nina Henry

Nina Henry is the first in our class to enter the Newbery Hall of Fame!  She read 25 Newbery books, and successfully passed the test.  Nina's parents attended today's Hall of Fame ceremony, and Nina was given her favorite Newbery Book, When You Reach Me, by Rebecca Stead.  Way to go, Nina!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

At-Home Projects Due on May 22

Students, You are in the middle of creating the "Demonstration of My Learning" portion of this big, year-end Colorado History Affinity Project! As you wrap up this project, please be sure to consider the following:

Keynote:  Make sure this is NOT an exact duplicate of your photo essay.  Choose new fun facts to share, give extra details on a specific picture, share music, etc. Write captions for each picture.
Create at least 8 slides. Bring your Keynote presentation on a flash drive to present.


Model / Diorama / Mobile / Scrapbook/ Game, etc.:  Label everything! Use materials from home if possible.

Be creative! Have fun!  

This is DUE: FRIDAY, MAY 22

Friday, May 8, 2015

Report Editing

All of our Colorado History Affinity reports were turned in on time!  We spent 45 minutes today editing writing and reading through reports.  The student's took this task very seriously, and really did their best to help one another!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Doc Grizzly was scheduled to come visit third grade this Wednesday and Thursday, but the weather is supposed to be very wet and soggy the rest of this week and through the weekend.  We want to make sure everyone has fun and is comfortable for this amazing third grade experience.  We have rescheduled his visit, so he will NOT be coming this week.

Doc Grizzly is rescheduled to come visit third grade on Wednesday, May 20, and Thursday, May 21.

On Wednesday May 20, students do not need to bring anything, as this is the introduction with Doc Grizzly. 

On Thursday, May 21, students should bring:
  • 12 Trading Items: Encourage your child to come up with a "tall tale" about his/her trading items.
  • Towel (labeled) to sit on
  • Water bottle (labeled)
  • Sunscreen (teachers cannot apply)
  • Come in Costume - pioneer, Native American, mountain man, miner, etc.

Food is allowed to trade, but only if the packaging label is still attached.  We are a nut aware school, and homemade items are not allowed, as originally noted on the Doc Grizzly letter.  If your child wants to trade food (muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.), then the food must come to school in the original packaging.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep all students safe.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Updated Trading Info: Doc Grizzly

We have the opportunity of reenact the time of trappers and traders!  Our third graders will pretend to be part of Colorado history in the late 1800s.

Doc Grizzly is visiting third grade on May 6 (afternoon) and May 7 (all day).  We need to correct the information sent out about trading.  Food is allowed to trade, but only if the packaging label is still attached.  We are a nut aware school, and homemade items are not allowed, as originally noted on the Doc Grizzly letter.  If your child wants to trade food (muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.), then the food must come to school in the original packaging.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep all students safe.

On Thursday, May 7th, your child should bring:

  • 12 Trading Items: Encourage your child to come up with a "tall tale" about his/her trading items.
  • Towel (labeled) to sit on
  • Water bottle (labeled)
  • Sunscreen (teachers cannot apply)
  • Come in Costume - pioneer, Native American, mountain man, miner, etc.