Friday, May 1, 2015

Updated Trading Info: Doc Grizzly

We have the opportunity of reenact the time of trappers and traders!  Our third graders will pretend to be part of Colorado history in the late 1800s.

Doc Grizzly is visiting third grade on May 6 (afternoon) and May 7 (all day).  We need to correct the information sent out about trading.  Food is allowed to trade, but only if the packaging label is still attached.  We are a nut aware school, and homemade items are not allowed, as originally noted on the Doc Grizzly letter.  If your child wants to trade food (muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.), then the food must come to school in the original packaging.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep all students safe.

On Thursday, May 7th, your child should bring:

  • 12 Trading Items: Encourage your child to come up with a "tall tale" about his/her trading items.
  • Towel (labeled) to sit on
  • Water bottle (labeled)
  • Sunscreen (teachers cannot apply)
  • Come in Costume - pioneer, Native American, mountain man, miner, etc.

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