Monday, May 18, 2015

Reminders For The Week

TUESDAY, MAY 19: Field Trip
Third grade is going to the History Colorado Center for our final field trip of the year.  This is a great museum for Colorado history buffs, like our students. J This will be a great way to wrap-up all we have learned this school year.  We leave campus at 9:00 and will return by 12:45. 

We have noticed that Thursday's weather forecast includes a 60% chance of rain.  If this doesn't change, we will have to reschedule again.  As of now, we are hopeful!

On Wednesday May 20, students do not need to bring anything, as this is the introduction with Doc Grizzly. 

On Thursday, May 21, students should bring:
·       12 Trading Items: Encourage your child to come up with a "tall tale" about his/her trading items.
·       Towel (labeled) to sit on
·       Water bottle (labeled)
·       Sunscreen (teachers cannot apply)
·       Come in Costume - pioneer, Native American, mountain man, miner, etc.

Food is allowed to trade, but only if the packaging label is still attached.  We are a nut aware school, and homemade items are not allowed, as originally noted on the Doc Grizzly letter.  If your child wants to trade food (muffins, biscuits, cookies, etc.), then the food must come to school in the original packaging.  Thank you for your understanding and helping us keep all students safe.

FRIDAY, MAY 22: Projects Due
Students, You are in the middle of creating the "Demonstration of My Learning" portion of this big, year-end Colorado History Affinity Project! As you wrap up this project, please be sure to consider the following:

Keynote:  Make sure this is NOT an exact duplicate of your photo essay. Choose new fun facts to share, give extra details on a specific picture, share music, etc. Write captions for each picture. Create at least 8 slides. Bring your Keynote presentation on a flash drive to present.

Model / Diorama / Mobile / Scrapbook/ Game, etc.:  Label everything! Use materials from home if possible.

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