Tuesday, May 9, 2017

ERB Information

Dear Parents,
Third grade students will take the ERB (Educational Records Bureau) test each day next week, May 15-19. These tests are designed to showcase what your child knows, as well as identify goals he/she can work on in the future.
Here are a few things we have told the students to help alleviate any anxiety.  Please review them with your child.
  • This test does NOT decide whether or not they go to fourth grade.
  • The most important thing students can do is READ, TAKE TIME TO THINK, AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY.
  • They should NOT worry if they are unable to finish a section of the test in the allotted time.
  • They will NOT know how to do every problem on the test.
  • They should not spend too much time on any one problem.
Please be sure that your student has a good night’s sleep every night next week, eats a healthy breakfast each morning, and arrives to school on time. Homework will not be assigned next week.

Thanks for your support,
The Third Grade Team

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