Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Letter From Drama Teacher, Lee Lee Newcomb

Dear 3rd Grade Parents,

We have been having a great time rehearsing our movement for William Shakespeare’s The Tempest. We have spent time in class developing movement that helps to convey the story of our specific scene.  We want to send a quick note to give you an update of our process, how you can help, and when our performances will be.  Please let us know as soon as possible if you foresee any conflicts.  If you have children in both 6th and 3rd grades, we will try our best to coordinate performances so that you will only have to attend one show.  Know that we will try our best but cannot promise that we can accommodate all siblings.

Each show should run about 45 minutes.  This is a shortened version of the play to offer students an age-appropriate experience.  Due to limited rehearsals, we will offer just a “taster” of this production. Third grade classes will be involved as movers and dancers doing a movement piece for each section. We have assigned the groups below so that you know the specific time of your child’s performance. Please note that all performances will occur on April 12th.

We have worked to have no outside rehearsals, all of our work will be done at school.  The only outside commitment from students will be their attendance at their specified performances.  Please review the performance schedule below and if you see any conflicts, please let us know ASAP.

Costumes:  All third graders will be creating their own collars to add to their costumes.  We ask that students come wearing all black on the day of their performances.  They can wear leggings, sweat pants, long or short sleeved t-shirts. The only specification is that they are all black.

This should be a fun and exciting process.  Please feel free to contact us with any thoughts or questions.  Your children are wonderful!

Best Wishes,

Lee Lee Newcomb

April 12th
9:30 AM and 5 PM (Group A)-6-4/6-2 (Stretz and O’Connor)
2:20 PM and 6:45 PM (Group B)-6-1/6-3 (Pease and Erlach)


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