Tuesday, November 8, 2016

November/December Newsletter

We hope you enjoyed conferences, Fall Break, and Halloween festivities.  One extra hour of sleep is coming our way (Daylight Savings, Nov. 6th)! We have been fortunate with our pleasant temperatures, but changes in the weather are sure to come. Please remember to send a coat, hat, and mittens or gloves to school. Students can leave these items in their lockers, since the weather can be unpredictable. It is important to label everything with your child's name. On days when it has snowed, but the weather is acceptable for students to have outdoor recess, they must wear snow boots if they are playing on the field and playground area. If they do not have boots, then they must stay on the sidewalk areas.

In the next couple of weeks, we will begin our new social studies unit about the Native Americans of Colorado. On Friday, Nov. 4th we will head to the Plains Conservation Center for an all-day field trip. This field trip fits in nicely with our Native American social studies unit and will serve as an introduction to pioneers, which is a unit we will cover in March.

Our students will be making a Colorado interactive map using Google Draw.  They will be adding to this all school year. Our Native American unit focuses on the Ute and Plains Indians, both of which will be added to the maps. They will soon create a timeline of major events in Colorado history, and we will use Google Slides to begin an e-book of important people in Colorado history. 

In literacy, we have been practicing a variety of comprehension strategies, including inferring and predicting, using text and graphic features, analyzing and evaluating, identifying the main idea and details, and drawing conclusions from text. Students are working on reading skills in teacher-led book groups (variety of genres) at their instructional level.

We have been studying different types of words:
         Multiple meaning words
         Verb Tense
         Proper Nouns

Phonics skills you will see in spelling lists include:
         Silent letters (kn, wr)
         Vowel diphthongs (ow, ou)
         Words with au, aw, al, o

Third graders have been learning about the six writing traits and will continue to focus on idea development, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, and editing (including the use of commas in a series). We are expecting students to use capitals and ending punctuation appropriately. Third graders have been introduced to the complete writing process: brainstorming, rough draft, editing, and a final copy. Dictionary and glossary skills will be introduced and practiced in December.

We have noticed the students working hard on studying math facts for homework. By winter break, all third graders should be fluent in the addition and subtraction facts. In class, students have been learning addition and subtraction up to 10,000 with regrouping. Subtraction across zeros can be a tricky process!  When grocery shopping, ask your child to add or subtract the items and figure the change. After Winter Break we will explore the world of bar models to solve addition and subtraction word problems. Ask your child what part-part-whole means, and let your third grader be the teacher at home to explain these visual representations.

Reminders and upcoming events:
         Friday, 11/4: Plains Conservation Center field trip (dress in layers)
         Friday 11/18: NOON DISMISSAL, Spirit Day, Go Green with Graland
         Monday 11/21 – Friday 11/25: Thanksgiving Break
         Monday, 11/28: Classes Resume
         Thursday, 12/15: Spirit Day
         Friday, 12/16: Holiday Sing Along, NOON DISMISSAL for Winter Break

We appreciate all of your support at home! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Winter Break!

The Third Grade Team

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