Friday, September 9, 2016


Sharing is part of each Morning Meeting!  It is a wonderful time for students to learn more about one another.  In our class, sharing looks very different than the normal "show and tell" where a child might bring in a toy they really like.  Our sharing time is dedicated to learning about the sharer, so what they bring in should teach us something about him/her.

The children sign up on a calendar (they can sign up once every two weeks) and they are responsible for sharing on their sign-up day.  Sometimes they forget, which is always fine, and other times students choose to switch days with someone else.  We are flexible and this is a fun, relaxing time, so a forgotten share day is never a big deal. 

Some examples of sharing include family pictures, a vacation souvenir, playing piano, bringing in an instrument to play, singing (buddy sharing is a fun idea!), dancing, a short Keynote presentation on a family pet, and trophies/medals for sports.

Olivia and Mia were the first two to sign up and both chose to play the piano!


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