Tuesday, May 10, 2016

CHAP Projects

Colorado History Affinity Project

You are starting your project this week! Below is what was shared with you about the project, along with a few helpful hints.

Demonstrate Your Learning:  Please refer to the list of ways you might want to demonstrate your learning.  If you have an idea that is not listed, please discuss this with your teacher for approval. Try to use materials you already have at home!  Please don't go out and spend a lot of money on supplies, but instead use resources you have available to you. Creating this project can include appropriate family involvement. You will need to label your project with your name.  This assignment will be completed at home for homework.

Technology Projects
All project completed on a computer need to be submitted to a teacher via e-mail, Google share, or saved on a flash drive.  If the project is completed on a tablet, you might consider bringing in the tablet for your presentation.

Google Slides
Pic Collage

Keynote / Google Slides:  Make sure this is NOT an exact duplicate of your photo essay.  Choose new fun facts to share, give extra details on a specific picture, share music, etc. Write captions for each picture.  Please make sure you create at least 8 slides. Bring your Keynote presentation on a flash drive to present.

Building Projects
Label everything!
Model: building
Model: Bird’s eye view
Homemade Scrapbook
Memory Box
Map / Flat or Topographical
Paper movie on a scroll

Be creative and have Fun!  This is DUE: FRIDAY, MAY 20!

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