Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Chief Mountain

The annual third grade class trips to Chief Mountain are coming up soon, and we are very excited about them.  Two classes will hike each trip day. (See the schedule below for the day that your child’s class will hike.) 

We will leave school by Graland school bus at 8:15 on the day of the trip, and after a brief stop at Bergen Park, we should arrive at the trailhead around 10 a.m.  The majority of our time will be spent hiking Chief Mountain.  We will hike in small groups consisting of 3-4 children and one adult.  This will allow us to keep a close eye on all of the children along the route.  It is a three-plus mile round-trip hike with approximately 1000 feet of elevation gain.  We will have lunch on the summit and then begin our descent.  We plan to return to Graland in time for dismissal at 3:10.

Because the weather at this time of year can be highly unpredictable, your child must be adequately prepared and appropriately dressed! Please refer to the packing checklist of required items.  Your child’s signed packing checklist due date is below.

  • Ms. Erlach and Mrs. Pease Classes
Signed packing checklist due:                Wednesday, Sept. 9th
Chief Mountain Hike:                                Thursday, Sept. 10th

  • Mrs. O’Connor and Mrs. Stretz Classes
Signed packing checklist due:                Thursday, Sept. 10th
Chief Mountain Hike:                                Friday, Sept. 11th

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