Thursday, March 19, 2015

Third Grade ERB Dates

We want to inform all Third Grade parents that our ERB testing dates are slightly different than what is noted on the Graland calendar.

We will be testing Monday, April 20 - Thursday, April 23.

Other grades will more than likely be sticking to the Graland ERB dates, which are the same week, but Tuesday-Friday.  Third grade is unable to test on Friday due to a great field trip opportunity!

Our final Social Studies unit is called The Making of a State.  We will be answering the following questions:
  • What is a territory?
  • How did Colorado become a territory?
  • Who were the first territory governors?
  • What was a Constitutional Convention?
  • How was a Colorado territory law passed?
  • How did Colorado finally become a state?
  • What are some of Colorado's state symbols?

As part of this unit, we will be visiting the State Capital and Governor's Mansion on Friday, April 24!

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