Monday, March 9, 2015

March Newsletter

We continue our exciting and busy learning in third grade. This week we will get to see our students perform their dance concert twice on the “big stage” in the Preisser Field House. This is a rite of passage for our third graders who will present their interpretations of dance, choreographed by them, and performed for you and the Graland student community. You will see the magic of Tony Catanese, who masterfully brings out the initiative and creativity of each child. Bring your recording devices and tissues. It is always a truly ‘moving’ event!

Student-led conferences are this week as well. We look forward to this opportunity for your children to share their learning and progress with you around the table. While we believe this is a powerful and celebratory experience, it can also be daunting for some children. We ask that you come prepared to ask uplifting questions and supportive comments for your child. They are excited to share their work with you, and they have all accomplished so much!

The curriculum has been driving a busy classroom environment. In math, we have been exploring division with remainders, concepts of money, and measurement. Measurement takes on many forms. We are exploring units of weight, distance and volume. Ask your children questions about these topics when you are cooking, shopping, or traveling. We are always looking for ways to apply their learning to real-life activities.

Literacy instruction is woven into everything we do each day. Specifically in reading, we are learning about many rules that govern our language: suffixes, adjectives, and articles to name a few. We are investigating various author purposes to enhance comprehension. In small groups, we are identifying the cause and effect of events in stories, how to draw conclusions, and also how to read text and graphic features in a passage. Our writing is taking us into our past as students have scribed about an autobiographical event in their lives. From there, we have been working on formulating an opinion and convincing a reader to agree. This is the art of persuasive writing. Third graders truly enjoy succeeding in this art form!

“Pike’s Peak or Bust!” In social studies, we are exploring the lives of the Colorado gold miners. We are looking at the lure of the possibility of riches and also the extreme hardships of those who pursued the promise. We even become prospectors ourselves and try our hands at gold panning. All this learning leads up to our trip to the Four Mile House on March 20th, where we will indulge in a day of hands-on learning about the pioneer era of Colorado. Ask your child to share some of the fascinating facts that are a part of the foundation of Colorado’s history. Thank you for your continued support in our teaching and your child’s learning. Welcome Spring!

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