Monday, February 9, 2015

Naturalization Ceremony

The third grade has a new service learning initiative this year. SCROLL DOWN TO THE JAN. 23RD POST FOR DETAILED INFORMATION!  

On February 18th, we have the honor to attend a naturalization ceremony at the History Colorado Center. There, we will witness the ceremony, sing a song, and deliver student made welcome bags to the new citizens. While we do not need chaperones for this trip, we invite you to attend, as it is open to the public. You can learn more about this exciting event by visiting by clicking here. This link reads that the date is Feb. 19th, but we have doubled checked and their site is wrong.  It is in fact on Feb. 18th!

If someone in your family has become a naturalized American citizen, we would love to invite them in to share their story. Please contact me if this is a possibility. We are always looking to include our community in the classroom learning.

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