Wednesday, February 4, 2015

February Third Grade Newsletter

"Love is in the air" and everyone is gearing up for Valentine's Day. Each class will have their own Valentine's Day celebration on Friday, February 13th.  Students will bring valentines for each of their classmates.  These can arrive early during the week of February 9th, if needed, and stay in the lockers. The Lower School office has decided that candy cannot be included with valentines.  Graland has a Pinterest account with a board titled “Candy Free Valentines." Please be sure all classmates receive a valentine from your child.  On the 13th, this Valentine's school day will be kicked off with our 7th grade buddies.  Ask your child about their buddy and the special activity prepared for that day.

We hope everyone is staying warm now that we are in the middle of winter. Please remember to send a coat, hat, and mittens or gloves to school. Students can leave these items in their lockers, since the weather can be unpredictable. It is important to label everything with your child's name.

Third graders have a wonderful opportunity to participate in a Naturalization Ceremony as part of our Service Learning project.  SeƱora Christi James presented to third graders about the citizenship process. After studying hard and passing a test, new citizens go to a Naturalization Ceremony where they receive their official certificates.  Since our third graders are becoming experts on Colorado, they will be playing an important role in the next Naturalization Ceremony - welcoming residents of Colorado to their American citizenship ceremony. During the ceremony, our third graders will be singing a Colorado song and giving a special remembrance gift to the new citizens. This great event will take place on February 18th at the History Colorado Center.  All are welcome to attend.  This is our big third grade Service Learning project.

We are wrapping up our Mountain Man (trappers and traders) unit.  Students will be comparing William Bent's Fort National Historic Site in La Junta, to Graland's campus.  Be on the look out for this posting on the student blogs.  Our next social studies unit will be on Colorado Settlers (pioneers and miners).  We will be going to the Four Mile House on March 20.

 In literacy, we have been practicing a variety of comprehension strategies, including identifying author's purpose, comparing and contrasting, summarizing, visualizing, inferring/predicting, and monitoring/clarifying text. Students are working on reading skills in teacher-led book groups (variety of genres) at their instructional level.

We have been studying different phonics skills, grammar, and vocabulary strategies:
Prefixes in-, im-
Vowels controlled by r
Pronouns and Verbs
Past Tense
Using a Thesaurus
Context Clues

The writing process can be time consuming, and the homework practice and in class practice has been so valuable.  These opportunities give the students time to apply the complete writing process: brainstorming, rough draft, editing, and a final copy. Students are learning how to focus their attention on specific editing strategies, as well as expanding their ideas with specific details. We have such a fine writing program and our students will demonstrate their skills in April during the WrAP (Writing Assessment Program).

Students have worked hard on learning multiplication and we will move from multiplying three digit numbers without regrouping to the more difficult process of regrouping.  We have also been learning about measurement and area and perimeter.  Our next math focus will be division, including the steps of long division. For success and confidence during division lessons, automaticity of multiplication facts are imperative.

We appreciate all of your support at home!  Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, and we look forward to sharing with you at our March Student-Led Conference, on March 12-13.

The Third Grade Team

P.S.  Mark your calendar for Third Grade Salutes Kids.  This dance performance is presented twice - on March 10th and 11th, both at 8:20.

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