Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Plains Conservation Center Field Trip

On Friday, April 11th, third graders are going back in history to visit the Plains Conservation Center.  There we will explore the lives of Native Americans and early Colorado pioneers.  We will leave school at 9:15 and will return around 2:30.  School will provide lunch and snack as usual. Each student must carry a backpack with a labeled water bottle inside, as there are no drinks available there.

Students should dress warmly in layers as we will spend most of the time outdoors moving from one place to another. It will feel about 10 degrees colder on the plains.

All students need boots, warm socks (or at least two pair), hats, and gloves. As it may be snowy or muddy, we recommend that children not wear expensive boots.  Extra warm clothes will be kept in the student's backpack, but you won't want the pack to get too heavy.  Each student will carry his/her own bag.  It will be a wonderful day!

Bottle of water
Hat that covers the ears
Boots with extra warm socks (toes get really cold)
Warm jacket
Clothing layers

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