Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Parent Note

Dear Parents,

We have had a whirlwind of learning going on in our classroom these past weeks.  The Newbery Club has been energizing the kids and opening new genres of literacy to interest them.  It is great fun to hear them give their book reviews and recommendations to the class.  Most of our students have joined the Newbery Club and kids are reading amazing literature!

Thank you for your support in helping your child with the writing process activities we sent home last month.  Brainstorming, writing, editing, and rewriting are important skills and your children have become wonderful writers.  We are continuing this work on the traits of editing and voice to make our writings come alive. 

Our reading groups are focusing on drawing inferences, which is a higher level skill.  Authors don’t always “tell,” but give clues for readers to pick up their intended meaning.  We often call this "reading between the lines."  This can be tricky!

Math in our room is robust!  The long division we have looked forward to is here and the students are working hard.  Ask your child to teach you to use the code, Dad-Mom-Sister-Brother-Cousin, to help them remember the steps in long division.  We are beginning to do more work on multiplication and division, as well as using bar models to help us.  We will end the year adding, subtracting, comparing, and converting fractions. 

Doc Grizzly is coming today and tomorrow and we are all excited for his visit.  On Thursday, your child will want to come dressed up as a person from Colorado history (pioneer, Native American, etc.) and bring 12 trading items.  If you have a moment Thursday, come see our Mountain Man as he makes Colorado History truly come alive.  Your child will always remember Doc!

As we near the end of the school year, I want to let you know how truly amazing your children are. Your children are positive, kind, and love to learn.  That has made for a great community of inquisitive learners who support each other.  I personally do not want the month of May to come, as I will really miss this class come June.


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