Tuesday, April 11, 2017

The Tempest Rehearsal

Your children have worked hard and are excited to share their movement piece with you tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Tattered Cover Event: This Thursday

Graland and Friends at the Tattered Cover
Thursday April, 6 2017
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Story Times
5:45 The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
Read by Graland Librarian, Linda Sears

6:10  A Visitor for Bear by Bonny Becker
Read by Graland Kindergarten Teacher, Liza Baker

6:30  Miss Nelson is Missing! by Harry Allard and James Marshall
Read by Graland 2nd Grade Teacher, Cindy Cheadle

6:50  Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann
Read by Graland 5th Grade Teacher, Mitch Masters

Meet and Greet with Authors
Todd Fahnestock

Heather Preusser

Art Station
Make your own book with Graland Art Teacher, Andrean Andrus

Tattered Cover “Behind the Scenes” Tours
Ask a Graland student ambassador to tell you more

Scavenger Hunt
Pick up a Tattered Cover scavenger hunt and explore the store

Drum Dream Girl
To kick off Graland’s literacy day event, learn more about, Drum Dream Girl by Margarita Engle

Monday, April 3, 2017

April Newsletter

It seems that spring is finally here! Art is going up in the hallways for all to enjoy, coats are staying in our lockers during recess, and our learning continues.
This month in reading, we are focusing on story structure and building an awareness of different characters’ points of view. We will also be identifying how ideas are different or alike through the use of our compare and contrast skills. Our spelling and phonics will be expanded with an emphasis on the suffixes –ed, -ing, -s, and –es, as well as the prefixes non-, in-, and im-. Our reading groups are focusing on the difficult and higher level skill of inference. Authors they are reading don’t always “tell” but give clues for the reader to pick up meaning. This can be tricky!

The Newbery program has been energizing the kids and opening new genres of literacy to interest them. It is great fun to hear them give their book reviews and recommendations. Our children are reading amazing literature and joining the Newbery Club and Hall of Fame! We thank you for continuing to encourage your student to read these award-winning texts.

Having advanced our personal narrative and persuasive writing abilities, we will now turn our writing attention toward fictional writing. Our early efforts will focus on generating creative ideas and using rich word choice, including similes and metaphors. Thank you for your support in helping your child with the activities working through the entire writing process. It is a time-consuming process to brainstorm, write, edit, and rewrite, but your children have become wonderful writers. We are working more on the traits of editing and voice to make our writings come alive.

Math in our rooms is robust! The long division we have looked forward to is here and the students are working hard. Ask your child to teach you the process that helps with remembering the steps in long division. Our students have been diving into the concept of division with remainders. We will be using our knowledge of bar models to solve multiplication and division word problems. We are also revisiting real-life math skills such as time, money, and graphing in our morning meetings.

“Pike’s Peak or Bust!” In social studies, we are exploring the lives of the Colorado gold miners. We are looking at the lure of the possibility of riches and also the extreme hardships of those who pursued the promise. We even will become prospectors ourselves and try our hands at gold panning. Our Colorado History Affinity Project (CHAP) is in full swing. The “affinities” the children have for Colorado history is exciting. Their research, photo essay writing, and project will demonstrate their learning of our state. Be sure to look in your child’s homework for the weekly CHAP assignment and help them plan accordingly. To make this affinity come alive, management of time and materials is essential. Thank you for your support.

If you want to know what else has been going on, you can spark some great dinner table conversation with the following questions:
*Describe the process of reading analogies. How would you read and explain:
dog:puppy :: cat:kitten
*What happens when you use a dollar sign and a cents sign in writing an amount of money? (Hint: math police) How do you write cents when using a dollar sign?
*What are some questions on the test for becoming a United States citizen?
*April is Poetry Month-what is your favorite type of poem?
*Adding of dollars and coins and reading analog clocks while adding time and subtracting time is fun.
*Ask your child to share some of the fascinating facts that are a part of the foundation of Colorado’s history.

“April showers bring May flowers” . . . but in Colorado we may still have snow. Please be sure your child is dressed for our changing weather! Thank you for your continued support in our teaching and your child’s learning. We have many exciting times to come in the weeks ahead.

Happy Spring!
The Third Grade Team

Upcoming Events:
NOTE: ERB testing will be the week of May 15th – 19th
Friday, April 7 3:30 Art Show and Ice Cream Social-children must be accompanied by an adult
Wednesday, April 12 Performances of the Tempest
9:45 AM and 5:00 PM Stretz and O’Connor
2:20 PM and 6:45 PM Pease and Erlach
For details, refer to the email from Lee Lee Newcomb.
Friday, April 21 Grandparents’ Day-Noon Dismissal

Friday, April 28 Spirit and Go Green Day