Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Typing Practice

Dear Third Grade Parents,                                    

Our students have been practicing their typing skills at school using the online program, Typing Pal. As with anything, practice makes permanent. Although we will not be assigning Typing Pal practice at home for homework, we want to make the log-in information available to you and your child. This optional activity can be done at home at will. With the long break coming up, this may be a fun option for our students.

To access Typing Pal:

Click on Typing Pal School Log In (all lower case)

School Code: gralandc
Username: firstnamelastname (ex. johnsmith)
Password: graland

Please monitor your child’s typing skills. Remind them to keep their fingers on the “home row” keys with their index fingers on ‘f’ and ‘j’. Also, reminders to look only at the screen and not at fingers will help automaticity. The program moves them up levels as they master each letter.

We hope you enjoy this option for practice at home, but know it is not required. If you have any questions, please contact your classroom teacher.


The Third Grade Team

Monday, December 5, 2016

American Museum of Western Art Field Trip

On Tuesday, 12/13 and Thursday, 12/15, Third grade is going to the American Museum of Western Art.  The schedule is noted below.  We want to thank art teacher, Andrea Crane for organizing this great field trip!

Andrea Crane
Art Teacher

Tuesday, 12/13
Mrs. Pease’s Class: Morning Field Trip
Ms. Erlach’s Class: Afternoon Field Trip

Thursday, 12/15
Mrs.  O’Connor’s Class: Morning Field Trip

Mrs. Stertz’s Class: Afternoon Field Trip

Friday, December 2, 2016

Lunch Bunch

Kathy Riley, Graland’s Lower School Counselor, will be starting a Lunch Bunch for children on B day’s during our 11:40 lunch time. It’s an opportunity for children to explore topics like friendship and inclusivity in a smaller venue. Children will sign up in their classrooms and attendance will be determined by the demand from students. Feel free to contact Kathy Riley if you have questions or concerns.