Thursday, February 25, 2016

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Our class did a great job participating in the 6th grade play, A Midsummer Night's Dream.  Our third graders performed a fairy dance in the middle of the production.  Thank you to drama teacher, Lee Lee Newcomb, for all of her work!

A special message from Ms. Williams, Associate Head of Lower School:

Dear Third Grade Fairies: 
Today I had the opportunity to see all four plays of Midsummer Night’s Dream.   Your dances were amazing!  Each one of you were an important member of the dance.  I could tell you put your heart and soul into each of your moves.  Your dancing was an important component of the entire production.   Thank you for making my day so special.  You all should be so proud of all your hard work and effort.

Keep on dancing!  Ms. Williams

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Panning For Gold

Today, our class panned for gold as part of our "Settlers" social studies unit.


Thursday, February 18, 2016

Service Learning Field Trip

Our third graders made Graland proud on Wednesday when they participated in our service learning project at the Naturalization Ceremony (49 new citizens from 25 different countries). Below are pictures and videos from this great experience, including the students' song.

Our class welcomed the new citizens and their families to the ceremony.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentine's Day

Our class had such a fun and festive Valentine's Day!  I want to thank Andrea Mahoney for organizing this great party and classroom decorations.  The volunteers included Barb Wallace, Kim Jacoby, Britany Weil, Amy Chapman, Sherman Smith, and Joanne Wichern.  THANK YOU!


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Third Grade Concert

The third graders gave a wonderful performance last Friday!  We would like to say a special thank you to music teacher, Mr. Dan Hazlett, for all of his incredible lessons and work with the third grade!

Please see pictures and videos below.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

DEAR with Dad

A special thank you to Kevin Mahoney and Chris Jacoby for being the first dads to come in and read to the class!

Caitlin and Ginna were so surprised!  The girls didn't know their dads were coming because Kevin and Chris didn't tell them.  The surprise element was so fun, so I encourage future dads to keep their visits a surprise as well.  This means that the dads will need to pick their picture books without the help of their child.  Kevin brought three books and we got to two of them.  It was great to have three, though, just in case!  Chris brought a couple of novels, the class chose one, and he read four chapters out of it.

Click here for the link to the Sign-Up Genius our wonderful Room Parent, Barb Wallace, put together (Thanks, Barb!).

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Service Learning Project

Third graders have a wonderful opportunity to participate in a Naturalization Ceremony as part of our Service Learning project.  Señora Christi James came to third grade and explained what a Naturalization Ceremony is all about.  She explained that people from other countries immigrate to America for a variety of reasons.  She shared that her family came from Mexico to America for the schools and for their family business.  Señora James then explained to the students that immigrants sometimes decide to become citizens of our country and why (voting rights, sponsor other family members, the love of America). 
Señora James shared the process of becoming a citizen. After studying hard and passing a test, new citizens go to a Naturalization Ceremony where they receive their official certificates.  This ceremony is often attended by friends and family (once Mom or Dad are citizens, then the children in that family are, too).

Since our third graders are becoming experts on Colorado, they will be playing an important role in the next Naturalization Ceremony - welcoming residents of Colorado to their American citizenship ceremony.  Third graders will provide gifts and sing a song at the ceremony.

This great event will take place on February 17th at the History Colorado Center. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Snow Day Pictures

                                    Jake helping his grandpa snow blow the sidewalk.

Carmen's dog, Hugo, watching her play out in the snow.
Ginna's igloo!
Ginna's Snow Day

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Candy-Free Valentines

Did you know that Graland has a Pinterest account?  Consider checking out Graland's "Candy Free Valentines" board!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February Newsletter

"Love is in the air" and everyone is gearing up for Valentine's Day. Each class will have their own Valentine's Day celebration on Friday, February 12th.  Students will bring valentines for each of their classmates.  These can arrive early during the week of February 8th, if needed, and stay in the lockers. The Lower School office has decided that candy cannot be included with valentines.  Graland has a Pinterest account with a board titled “Candy Free Valentines." Please be sure all classmates receive a valentine from your child. 

We hope everyone is staying warm now that we are in the middle of winter. Please remember to send a coat, hat, and mittens or gloves to school. Students can leave these items in their lockers, since the weather can be unpredictable. It is important to label everything with your child's name.

Third graders have a wonderful opportunity to participate in a Naturalization Ceremony as part of our Service Learning project.  Señora Christi James presented to third graders about the citizenship process. After studying hard and passing a test, new citizens go to a Naturalization Ceremony where they receive their official certificates.  Since our third graders are becoming experts on Colorado, they will be playing an important role in the next Naturalization Ceremony - welcoming residents of Colorado to their American citizenship ceremony. During the ceremony, our third graders will sing a Colorado song and give a special remembrance gift to the new citizens. This great event will take place on February 17th at the History Colorado Center.  This is our big third grade Service Learning project.

We are wrapping up our Mountain Man (trappers and traders) unit.  Students will be comparing William Bent's Fort National Historic Site in La Junta, to Graland's campus.  Be on the look out for this posting on the student blogs.  Our next social studies unit will be on Colorado Settlers (pioneers and miners).  We will be going to the History Colorado Center on March 4.

 In literacy, we have been practicing a variety of comprehension strategies, including identifying author's purpose, comparing and contrasting, summarizing, visualizing, inferring/predicting, and monitoring/clarifying text. Students are working on reading skills in teacher-led book groups (variety of genres) at their instructional level.

We have been studying different phonics skills, grammar, and vocabulary strategies:
Prefixes in-, im-
Vowels controlled by r
Pronouns and Verbs
Past Tense
Using a Thesaurus
Context Clues

The writing process can be time consuming, and the homework practice and in-class practice has been so valuable.  These opportunities give the students time to apply the complete writing process: brainstorming, rough draft, editing, and a final copy. Students are learning how to focus their attention on specific editing strategies, as well as expanding their ideas with specific details. We have such a fine writing program and our students demonstrate their skills on Journeys unit assessments.

Students have worked hard on learning multiplication and division, and shortly they will be applying and deepening these skills in Chapter 9: Using Bar Models: Multiplication and Division.  Knowing the multiplication facts has been so important this trimester.  Please continue this practice at home!  For success and confidence during division lessons, automaticity of multiplication facts are imperative.  Graland is hosting a Math Night on Feb. 18th in the evening.  Success as a mathematical problem solver relies upon a child's deep understanding of content in addition to their ability to flexibly consider the givens and constraints within a question; Singapore mathematics (Math in Focus) utilizes visual models in an effort to strengthen both.  If you have ever wondered how to best support and encourage your child as they process through difficult mathematical content, this night is for you.  Our session will trace the trajectory of visualization within the Math in Focus curriculum, allow you to refine your own personal use of this technique and, finally, provide you a glimpse into your child's mathematical future. Details are below:
  • Focus: The Power of Visual Models Throughout the Grades
  • Date: February 18, 2016
  • Time: 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.
  • Audience: - K – 8th Grade Parents
  • Location: Multipurpose Room

Third graders are singing in a concert on Feb. 12 at 8:20-9:00 and again that day 2:20-3:00.  Please contact music teacher Dan Hazlett if you have any questions about that concert.  Our students are also performing a dance/movement piece in the 6th grade play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream.  The performances are scheduled on February 24.  Please contact drama teacher, Lee Lee Newcomb with questions.

We appreciate all of your support at home!  Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, and we look forward to sharing with you at our March Student-Led Conference, on March 10-11.

The Third Grade Team

Monday, February 1, 2016

Newbery Book Club

Dear Parents,

We would like to announce the beginning of our third grade Newbery Book Club!  This optional classroom club is designed to promote the love of reading through exposure to award winning books. The Newbery Medal was named for eighteenth-century British bookseller John Newbery. It is awarded annually by the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association, to the author of the most distinguished contribution to American literature for children.  Every year, since 1922, one book is named as the medal winner with several others notably named as honor books.  Newbery books are written for children with topics in both fiction and non-fiction genres and are written for readers on a variety of reading levels.

Newbery Club reading is intended to be a supplement to our classroom reading curriculum.   Students will keep a personal class reading record where they will list the name of each Newbery book they read. They will receive recognition in class as they add Newbery books to their list. 

Please take time to ask your child about our Newbery Club and as always please contact us if you have any questions.

We appreciate the opportunity to support your children as they grow as readers!

The Third Grade Team