Tuesday, August 26, 2014

First Day of School

We have had a wonderful first day of school!

We started the day with Morning Meeting: greeting, sharing, activity, and Morning Message.  After greeting one another, I brought in pictures of my family to share.  (Starting tomorrow, students can sign up for sharing!)  Then, for activity, we played the dots game.  This is why the students have dot stickers on their foreheads in the picture below.  :)  Ask you child how this game was played!  To finish our Morning Meeting, Bricin, our leader for the week, read the Morning Message.

After art class with Mrs. Crane, all Third Graders went into the dining hall to see where we will be sitting for lunch.  Then, we gathered in Mrs. Cook's room for a presentation on lunch room behavior and a video on recycling.

The students put on their PE shoes and headed off to exercise with Coach Hecht, enjoyed a healthy lunch, and met again as a grade-level to discuss appropriate recess behavior and playground rules.

We started our chapter on bar graphs in math before heading out to recess!  Ask your child what topic he/she chose to research. The data was collected on their own bar graph.

After recess, the students went to Spanish with SeƱora James.  They returned to class and enjoyed snack while writing in their journals and listening to First Day Jitters, a cute read aloud about the first day of school.

Tomorrow will be another fun day in Third Grade!  Julie