Thursday, May 29, 2014

Class Play Video

Click here to watch our class perform Play-Time With the Planets.  They were AMAZING!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Girl Scout Camping Trip

Many of our girls went on a camping trip together this past weekend!

Karina, Emerson-Ellis, Belen, Rachelle, Cate, and Allie

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mock Trial

Cate's dad, Robert Corry, came by to teach the student's about court and what a trial is like.

Prosecutors:      Lorenzo and Matthew
Witnesses:        Elliot, Hudson, and Robert
Defense Team:   MacCoy and Milin
Defendant:        Belen (found NOT-GUILTY by the jury)
Bailiff:               Cate
Jury:                 Mia, Rachelle, Gracie, Allie, Emerson-Ellis, Karina, Sara, Hastings

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Planets Song for the Play


Please click here to listen to the song you will sing during your play.  The lyrics are below so you can practice.

Planets, oo ooo, it is the game show we watch at night, Oh! Planets, oo ooo, I wonder if we could get there by flight! Planets, oo ooo, how much you know could win you the right! Planets, oo ooo, if you’re on top, we’ll go to the moon tonight.! 

Verse 1 (O’Connor)
Rockets flying through the dark black night, starlight is bright, it’s in our sight.!
the darkness gives me a quite scary fright, where can we find, some more bright light.! Stars in the night sky shine bright as sun, at sundown site, as beautiful!
On a full moon night, the white moon shines, as the moonlight, shine, shine shine.!

Bridge (Cook)
Planets are spinning around!
So high they’re above the ground!
Stars twinkle in the moonlight!
Galaxies twinkling tonight!

Verse 3 (Pease)
Life on milky way, planets are fun, it’s a great day, go by the sun!
Gravity pulls me straight from inside, paradise we go for a ride!
this pretty planet, spinning in space, in my rocket, that is my case!
On the shining moon, in sun’s gold purse, we’ll be there soon, we love the earth, Oh! 


Friday, May 2, 2014

Mrs. Wagner

We were so lucky to have a mystery reader stop by this afternoon.  The students were surprised and thrilled to see Mrs. Wagner!  She spent time catching up with the students, shared her new love of drawing, and read Noisy Paint Box by Barb Rosenstock.  Thank you for coming to see us, Mrs. Wagner!

Thursday, May 1, 2014