Thursday, February 27, 2014

Kindness / Friendship Unit

Today we started a new class unit on kindness and friendship.  We read six short stories and discussed whether the children in the scenarios were being kind or unkind.  We talked about kind ways to handle unstructured time like recess and PE, such as being selfless and inclusive.  This unit will take about three weeks and will wrap up right before Spring Break.  We will be reading several books to go along with our discussions and activities.  All of these books can be found in our bookshelf gadget on the left column of this blog (Shelfari).

Monday, February 24, 2014

Journey On!

Today the Lower School had an event called Journey On!  We buddied up with Mrs. Lambert's fourth grade class to celebrate the Journeys curriculum.  Our class shared the story titled Kamishibai Man.  Click here to hear our students reading this story.

On Friday your child will bring home the graded chapter 6 math test.  We just finished the multiplication tables of 6, 7, 8, and 9.

You will notice at the top of each section that the test specifies how many points each question is worth.  For example, “5 x 2 points = 10 points” means that the following 5 questions are each worth 2 points each, for a total of 10 points for that section.  If your child was on the right track, but didn’t get the answer right, I may have given him/her half of what that question was worth.  So, if the question was worth 2 points and your child got it wrong but was on the right track, I gave him/her 1 of the 2 points possible.  The green pen grading was your child’s first try. 

After I score the first try, I pass the tests back to the students for them to look through and to see their mistakes.  Without any further instruction I ask the students to look at their mistakes and try to figure out where they went wrong.  Then, they make their changes in colored pencil and I grade the second try in purple pen.

After the second round of grading, we go over the tests together to make sure the students understand how to work each problem.  Please let me know if you have any questions about your child’s math test!


Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Dear Third Grade Family and Friends,

Welcome to our classroom blog!  Here you will find pictures, videos, and teacher newsletters.  You can look at each student's blog by finding the link on this page.  The classroom calendar at the bottom of this blog will highlight field trip dates, student birthdays, and special events.  Please encourage your family and friends to browse our page, so the side map widget will update with their location.  If you would like to get e-mail notification of a blog posts, feel free to enter your e-mail on the side bar.

Thank you for visiting our third grade class blog!

Julie O'Connor

Third Grade Concert

Click here to view the Third Grade Concert.